Angry Video Game Nerd
Episode 3

The Karate Kid

Release date:
April 8, 2006

Earlier titles:

Angry Nintendo Nerd: The Karate Kid

Platforms covered:

  • Nintendo Entertainment System
  • Games covered:

  • The Karate Kid
  • YouTube:

    Higher quality reupload:

    ScrewAttack version:

    Mike's notes:

    For this third episode The Karate Kid (NES), once again James was at my place and we were playing some of my NES games. We played The Karate Kid and laughed at all the flaws in the game. This episode is like a hybrid of the first two videos. It combined the game footage with the nerd character we all know today. This was the episode that got me really excited about the idea of this as a show.

    Back in 2005, James and I had a job working together editing corporate training videos. And at the time, these first three episodes (Bad NES Games) were only available to watch as Quicktime files on the first version of the site.

    Back then, I would watch this episode over and over laughing hysterically about it. James only intended these three videos to be a trilogy. But I liked this Karate Kid video so much that I kept pestering him to do another one. Eventually, James agreed to make more. (Probably just to get me to shut up about it!)

    YouTube description:

    The Nerd tries out his best moves, as he sees if The Karate Kid for the NES is as any good as the movie it is based on. This is Angry Video Game Nerd episode 3.

    Released in Nov. 1987, this was the first game AVGN reviewed that gave him the reason to shun games released under the LJN banner. Based on the movie, The Karate Kid (1984) and The Karate Kid, part 2, you star as Daniel LaRusso, who has to use his karate skills to fight through levels and bosses.

    Because of frustrating controls, hit detection, and pits that are hard to avoid, it would take timing and patience for a karate student like you to beat this game.

    But for AVGN…see for yourself…
