Angry Video Game Nerd
Episode 2

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Release date:
May 28, 2004

YouTube release date:
April 8, 2006

Earlier titles:

Bad NES Games: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Worst Video Games: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Angry Nintendo Nerd: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Platforms covered:

  • Nintendo Entertainment System
  • Games covered:

  • Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
  • YouTube:

    ScrewAttack version:

    Mike's notes:

    James was over my house one day and we playing some different NES games. He was looking through my NES collection and found that I had a copy of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I had never even played the game myself. But James was excited to try it out because he remembered renting it years earlier from Blockbuster Video. I let him borrow that game and a few others he wanted to play. The next time I saw him, he had recorded the second episode Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (NES). In this follow up to the Simon’s Quest video, he decides to show himself on screen, to show you with his face just how much he hates the game. You’ll notice that the footage of the game isn’t even properly recorded. It’s is shot off the TV screen. The joke was that the game is so terrible, it wasn’t even worth doing correctly. Though James did a proper review of it later for episode 95 “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Re-Revisited”. We didn’t keep very good track of the dates on these videos at the time. But just recently found the script to this episode, which was dated June 15th 2004.

    YouTube description:

    The Nerd takes on reviewing the extremely difficult Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde for the NES, in which even the first level is almost impossible to complete. This is Angry Video Game Nerd Episode 2!

    The Angry Video Game Nerd Episode 2! Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was a game released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1989. It was developed by Advance Communication Company and published by Toho & Bandai (who also put out the Godzilla toys). It is slow moving side-scroller, with notoriously bad controls and confusing gameplay. During gameplay, you alternate between Hyde or Jekyll where you will either try to avoid taking damage or kill monsters. Dr. Jekyll is supposed to be on his way to a wedding, but on the way he’s getting annoyed by people bothering him on his walk, which causes him to turn into Hyde. You can see an in-depth review of the game, when the Nerd finally reviews the game for real in episode #95 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Revisited

    Old description from

    Second in the "Worst Video Games" series. This one covers Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde for NES, which can possibly, in my opinion, be the absolute #1 WORST game ever made. It's so bad that my voice over couldn't do it justice, so I come on-screen and beg people to stay away from this game at all costs. I take it over-the-top.
