Angry Video Game Nerd
Episode 43

The Wizard of Oz

Release date:
March 4, 2008

Platforms covered:

  • Super Nintendo Entertainment System
  • Games covered:

  • The Wizard of Oz
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    The Nerd is wishing he was not playing another bad game, as he reviews The Wizard of Oz for the SNES. This is Angry Video Game Nerd Episode 43.

    The Wizard of Oz is one of the most beloved movies of all time. The 1939 film starring Judy Garland was a milestone in special effects, make-up and the fantasy genre in general. It also featured one of the most innovative and memorable instances of technicolor in film. It’s creativity and long lasting impact has made it one of the most culturally significant movies ever made.

    54 years later the movie was adapted into a video game for Super Nintendo. Instead of capturing the magic of the film, it was a massive disappointment featuring confusing level layouts, poor character attacks, and a glitch which makes the game virtually unplayable. It included basic elements from the movie, but also had its fair share of random components, like the enemies which included killer water faucets, a cat-cactus and a giant crow wearing a vest.

    In this episode, the Nerd grits his teeth through one of the most frustrating gaming experiences he’s had since Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. He also gets an unexpected visit from the Cowardly Lion himself! (Played by Mike Matei)

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